Sunday, October 3, 2010

A good day ... a good start!

Well, lets not throw a parade or anything but I am proud.  Most Saturday's I would have sat around watching all of my newly TiVo'ed fall programming and perhaps not even leaving the house.  Perhaps that might explain where I am in my life, right?  Anyway...yesterday started much in the same way.  While looking at my BodyMedia info I decided that I needed to do something and start moving.  So, on the sneakers went and out into the neighborhood I went.

I had a nice solid 30 mins of activity, which is more than I have had on purpose in a LONG time.  Felt good.  I even went out and did some "yard" work.  Really more "patio" work...but for the first time in months my patio looks good. Overall a great and productive day.  Of course I still watched endless football games and caught up on TiVo ... but at least I did SOMETHING with my day. 

Today will be a different is brunch day in the hood.  I am bringing mimosa stuff.  There will be quiche and croissants abundant.  It will be tough, but I will try.  Not going to say that I wont be having a croissant, but what I will say is that I will take note of what I do have so that I can properly take accountability.

Great day ahead!

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