Sunday, January 16, 2011

Week Two Recap

Just weighed in for my 2nd week. Very pleased with my progress and my unwavering commitment to eating right! This week I lost 3.0 lbs, which is amazing. My secret in the very back of my mind goal for the week was to get out of the 280's and enter into the 270's. The 280's represent the heaviest I have ever been ... I am glad to take a few steps down and get back to something more familiar. Of course, lets be honest...270's are not a happy place either, but it is one small step closer to feeling like myself again.

Accomplishments for the week:
  • Stayed on my points plan while being trapped in my house for a week
  • Did not crack open a bottle of wine
  • Water Water Water! Had a good amount of water each day
  • Overcame a moment of Nutella driven temptation
  • Everything I ate had nutritional value (protein, fiber, etc), nothing I would consider "junk"
  • Relied more on cooking real food than eating all processed
Things I want to focus on for this upcoming week:
  • Take lunch to work each and every day this week
  • Drink Drink Drink my water while at work
  • Take a little walk during lunch (hoping my knee stays in place)
  • Continue to count my points and make better decisions on spending my points
  • Cook 3 more dinners at home
I am sure there are many more things I can add to my list, but we will start with that. Hope you all have a great week also...What are some of your goals?

1 comment:

Polar's Mom said...

Congrats on the loss, that is fantastic! I agree that every decade lost putting you in a lower one feels incredible and it feels SO much more manageable to get to goal. Keep it up!

Polar's Mom